Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

In this process, whose main purpose is to determine the import price for selected sectors by taking into account the carbon intensity of the product, in other words, taxation, technical processes are provided for the sectors subject to reporting and implementation by the European Parliament.

Sınırda Karbon Düzenleme Mekanizması

In this context, as Perfect Green, we offer companies

  • We prepare strategic plans for them to measure and report their Carbon Footprints.
  • We review the production processes and supply chain during the preparation of the plans.
  • We provide information about investments to be made to switch to renewable energy sources or increase energy efficiency.
  • We provide services for calculating the carbon footprint of products produced for export and calculating the cost of carbon tax payments.
  • In this regard, we plan sustainability targets in the supply chain, taking into account the carbon footprints of suppliers.
  • We integrate sustainability strategies into the management plan
  • We raise awareness by training staff on sustainability.

Meet the regulatory requirements imposed by CBAM easily and quickly with Perfect Green. Ensure full compliance by taking control of your company’s carbon management.

“Green Today, Sustainable Tomorrow: Let’s Grow Together.”

Eskişehir Yolu Konutkent Kavşağı 2700. Cadde Arp Kule 3/13 Etimesgut/ANKARA